Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Biology: A Case Study in Samtse Dzongkhag

Santa Bir Subba *

Ministry of Education, Royal Government of Bhutan, Bhutan.

Kinzang Dorji

Samtse College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan, Samtse, Bhutan.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This study investigated the effectiveness of the use of Computer Assisted Instruction as an innovative instructional approach in enhancing students’ achievement in Biology. Study was conducted at two Bhutanese secondary level schools under Samtse district in southwest Bhutan. Sample size consisted of a total of 120 students and four Biology teachers. The study employed mixed methods since this method is particularly useful in understanding any contradictions between quantitative and qualitative findings. Quantitative data was collected based on test-retest approach (quasi-experiment) to establish a cause-and-effect of the interventions while qualitative data was collected based on semi-structured interview for both biology teachers and students. 

The simulation and animation were used as a mean of intervention for biological concepts teaching for the experimental group while the traditional method was applied for teaching the control group. Findings were analyzed descriptively and inferentially.

Study revealed that Computer Assisted Instruction has positive impacts on students’ performance, evidenced by the findings that the students who were exposed to Computer Assisted Instruction (Experimental Group) have significantly outperformed the students who were taught using the Traditional teaching method (Control Group). The findings on gender difference revealed no significant difference in terms of academic performance in CAI. Further, both the teachers and students showed positive perceptions towards the use of CAI in teaching Biology.  Therefore, the findings of this study would encourage Biology teachers to use CAI to enhance students’ achievement.

Keywords: Effectiveness, computer assisted instruction, samtse, Bhutan

How to Cite

Subba, Santa Bir, and Kinzang Dorji. 2024. “Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction on Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Biology: A Case Study in Samtse Dzongkhag”. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies 50 (10):329-43. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajess/2024/v50i101623.