Influence of School Cooperate Responsibility Partnership in Enhancing Active Citizenship for Self Development of Upper Basic Students in Social Studies in Qua’an-Pan, Plateau State, Nigeria

Ruth James UMARU

Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Jos, Nigeria.

Loetuknaan Homsuk NARON

St. Brendan’s Secondary School Fogol, Kwa, Quaan-Pan LGA, Plateau State, Nigeria.

Dakup Stephen DABOER *

Department of Social Science Education, University of Jos, Nigeria.

Dorathy Joseph Bayei

Department of Social Studies, College of Education Gidan-Waya, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This study investigated the impact of school cooperate responsibility partnership on active citizenship for self-development of upper basic students in Social Studies in Qua’an-Pan, Plateau state, Nigeria. The study was guided by 3 research questions and 1 null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance. This study is grounded on Structural functionalist theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study consisted of all junior secondary school II students and Social Studies teachers in Qua’an-Pan, Plateau State. The area has a population of 20 public junior secondary schools with 1384 (M = 727, F = 657) students and 48 Social Studies teachers, bringing the total population to 1432 for the study. The researcher sampled 10 Secondary Schools out of 20 secondary schools in the Local Government Area with 20 teachers and 180 students (M = 112, F = 118) making 200 respondents. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the two schools used for the study. Two instruments were used for data collection which were titled School Corporate Social Responsibility Questionnaire for Teachers (SCSRQT) and School Corporate Social Responsibility Questionnaire for Students (SCSRQS) for both the students and Social Studies teachers. Content and face validity will be established for both the School Corporate Social Responsibility Questionnaire for Teachers (SCSRQT) and School Corporate Social Responsibility Questionnaire for Students (SCSRQS). The reliability of internal consistency of the School Corporate Social Responsibility Questionnaire for Teachers (SCSRQT) and School Corporate Social Responsibility Questionnaire for Students (SCSRQS) items estimated using Cronbach alpha coefficient and the test re-test technique was adopted to ascertain the internal reliability of the instrument for the study. The data collected was analyzed using of mean and standard deviation for all the research questions while hypotheses were tested using Chi-Square statistics at 0.5 level of significance. The study revealed that School Cooperate Social responsibility impact positively on active citizenship participation by developing entrepreneurial skills and promoting inclusive education for self-development and there is a significant relationship between school entrepreneurial education and active citizenship for self-development on upper basic students in Social Studies. It was found out that students have a stronger positive attitude towards Social Studies in the experimental group after intervention.   It was concluded in this study that Corporate social responsibility projects should be provided by firms especially within and for the benefit of their host communities, especially as government has not been very successful in meeting the basic needs of most communities. The study recommended among others that corporate social responsibility projects should be provided by firms especially within and for the benefit of their host communities, especially as government has not been very successful in meeting the basic needs of most communities.

Keywords: School corporate responsibility partnership, active citizenship, self-development, social studies

How to Cite

UMARU, Ruth James, Loetuknaan Homsuk NARON, Dakup Stephen DABOER, and Dorathy Joseph Bayei. 2024. “Influence of School Cooperate Responsibility Partnership in Enhancing Active Citizenship for Self Development of Upper Basic Students in Social Studies in Qua’an-Pan, Plateau State, Nigeria”. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies 50 (10):55-66.