Division Errors Frequently Made by Students
Suryakanta Behera
Regional Centre Bhubaneswar, IGNOU, India.
Pratyush Pattnayak
Department of Education, Ravenshaw University, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Problems in mathematical problems are common across children of all ages and of all places. This study looks at the common problems students generally face during the mathematical operation of Division and attempts to provide solutions to prevent such problems from taking place further. The study surveyed and analyzed the mistakes of 50 Secondary school students from the district of Cuttack, Odisha in order to isolate the problems students faced during Division. The data was collected through a simple test consisting of a simple long division question and the participants were allowed as much time as they wanted to solve the question. After collecting the responses, the data was analyzed and the responses separated into four different categories. The results showed that a majority I.e. 56% of the students made a mistake in their responses which indicated a lacunae in the base understanding of the process of Division. The mistakes showed a variation in their types, each relating to a different lack of understanding of the process of the mathematical operation.
Keywords: Division, mathematics, mistake, model, process