Effect of Implementing Differentiated Learning Based on Learning Style on Abilities in Mathematical Problem-solving

Hairani Partika HN *

Pascasarjana Universitas Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia.


Pascasarjana Universitas Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia.


Pascasarjana Universitas Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This research was motivated by the low mathematical problem-solving abilities of State High School 4 students in Tanjung Jabung Barat-Indonesia. This research aims to determine the effect of implementing differentiated learning based on learning styles on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities using a Pretest and Posttest Control Group Design, namely that there is one group, each chosen randomly. The population of this research is all students in class. In this research, the sample used was 116 students divided into one class. The sample was determined using the Random Sampling technique. The data collection techniques used in this research were observation and tests of mathematical problem-solving abilities. This research indicates that differentiated learning based on learning styles effectively influences students' mathematical problem-solving skills. Thus, learning styles can be used as an alternative in improving problem solving abilities, especially in the context of mathematics learning.

Keywords: Differentiated learning based, learning style, mathematical problem solving

How to Cite

HN, Hairani Partika, Syaiful, and Syamsurizal. 2024. “Effect of Implementing Differentiated Learning Based on Learning Style on Abilities in Mathematical Problem-Solving”. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies 50 (8):181-90. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajess/2024/v50i81518.