Print Media Coverage on Environmental Issues: An Analysis of Local Newspapers of Rangpur, Bangladesh
Md. Rahmatullah *
Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This study aims at identifying the real scenario of coverage of environmental issues of two local daily newspapers of Rangpur city in Bangladesh. A mixed method was applied to conduct the study following issue-attention cycle and agenda setting theory as the theoretical framework. This study was conducted on a total of 102 newspapers of 2023 through content analysis and observation method. The study found that The Daily Juger Alo (DJA) published 113 (3.02%) and The Daily Dabanol (DD) published 42 (2.34%) environment related news. Both dailies covered 120 (77.42%) simple news ignoring in-depth reporting. They mainly emphasized on climate change, natural disaster, weather, environment education and protection and flood related news. They covered the environmental issue in mostly inner page and provided less space, one way reporting and ignored the diversity of presentation on the issue. Special training on effective environment journalism, social responsibility of the newspapers and integrated participation should be ensured to improve the condition for the betterment of the environment in the study area.
Keywords: Environmental issues, local newspapers, coverage, Rangpur