Teachers’ Language Use in EFL Classroom Interaction: A Qualitative Study Analysis in Indonesia Settings

Rika Riwayatiningsih *

Nusantara PGRI Kediri University, Indonesia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This research aims to analyze the classroom language used by a teacher of English department during the learning process. Mastery of a foreign language requires persistent practice and patience among students and teachers. Therefore, languages used in the classroom have a potential to help students produced good communication in the target language. This qualitative study was conducted with 1 male teacher and 22 second grade English major students who were learning writing. Data collection was carried out by observation and interviews both the teacher and 5 sample students and it was analysed with descriptive qualitative techniques. The results showed that the classroom language generally used by the EFL teacher were categorized into several types: instructions, questions, feedback and correction, clasroom management, building rapport, explanations, transitions, and encouragement. While for students, they used language revolved around their interactions within the classroom, both with their peers and teachers. It included phrases and questions that helped them manage their learning experiences, clarify instructions, and participate actively in classroom activities. The results of the analysis are supported by the observation checklists regarding how situations require certain types of language goals. The use of classroom language has different objectives according to the current situation within the scope of learning. The study offers practical recommendations for EFL teachers on how to effectively use different types of language to enhance learning outcomes, such as the strategic use of questions, feedback, and encouragement.

Keywords: Classroom language, writing subject, EFL students

How to Cite

Riwayatiningsih, Rika. 2024. “Teachers’ Language Use in EFL Classroom Interaction: A Qualitative Study Analysis in Indonesia Settings”. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies 50 (6):133-41. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajess/2024/v50i61400.